Birds for Sale


“Boeing” (00-DTL-727) and his full brother “Double Trouble” (01-DTL-1201) are double grandsons of “969”. They are the product of a full brother X full sister pairing: “Billy” X his full sister (92-GFL-366). The father of “Billy” and his sister was “Champion 969“; their mother was BELG-79-6649015 (a full sister to “048”). “Billy’s” sister, GFL-366, was a World of Wings star. Both these birds, “Boeing” and “Double Trouble” are outstanding, striking looking, birds that breed excellent birds, both flyers and breeders. Their brother AU-01-DTL-1200 has been an outstanding breeder at the World of Wings. They carry the absolute best of the Janssen Brothers’ blood!

Pedigree Info (PDF)

Children: $400 - $600